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Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL)Help us rescue tide gauge data from the 19th century!
Event and Wedding Planners DC - Phoenix Park HotelHotel Event Planning Team - Phoenix Park Hotel
Frequently Asked Questions15.95% per guestroom per night.
Home | UC Santa BarbaraUC Santa Barbara is a leading center for teaching and research located on the California coast - truly a learning and living environment like no other!
Washington DC Suite Hotels | DC Suites | Phoenix Park HotelPhoenix Park Hotel suites in Washington DC are a masterpiece of style, character and comfort. Experience the fine furnishings and luxurious amenities for yourself during your stay.
FiesoleFiesole, Italy - what to see and where to stay in Fiesole
PontassievePontassieve - the history and main sights of Pontassieve
PopuloniaPopulonia Etruscan remains and mediaeval fortress
Best travel web sites for Tuscany - what to see where to stay in TusBest travel web sites for Tuscany - sights, events, activities vacation accommodations, tours, wine tasting, art and archtecture, history of Tuscany
The Dubliner | Irish Pubs in DC | Phoenix Park HotelFood & Drink - The Dubliner - Irish Pubs in DC
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